Home Buying & Termite Inspections – What You Need to Know

What people don’t always realize is that home inspections aren’t meant to be deal breakers. The goal isn’t to find something of concern and then call the whole thing off.
Realistically, it’s about getting the data you need about the current condition of the home so you can decide if it’s worth the work, and also to use those existing issues as a bargaining tool. It comes as a shock to potential home buyers when they hear that not even termite damage has to cause the deal to fall through, you should just most certainly be aware that it exists.
Buying Even With Termite Damage
Opting for termite inspection is always a smart way to go. The best outcome would be no presence of a current infestation or even evidence of previous damage from these pests.
However, even if you find out the place you’re considering is not completely untouched by WDO, or wood destroying organisms, don’t give up hope completely. It’s just time to take a new approach.
- The first thing to do is get your inspection and find out if there is an existing infestation or just damage from a previous one. This will determine how you move forward and help you with your negotiations.
- Keep in mind, although wood is the building material most commonly affected by these potentially destructive bugs, other types of homes can also be affected. Your masonry or brick home can still suffer a termite infestation. There are still wood elements to the home that termites can feed off of causing serious damage.
- Don’t make the erroneous decision to bypass the WDO inspection because you have a new home. New construction are also susceptible to termite damage. Check to see if your newer home has received a termite pretreatment or was built with termite-resistant wood. You’ll still want an inspection to be safe but it helps to know for the future.
Protect yourself with professional help. Call the Eagle Eye Inspections, LLC team for all of your service needs when it comes to New Jersey home inspections.